Welcome back to the second installment of our series on building a Salesforce extraction pipeline from scratch, without relying on special libraries or SaaS services. In the first part, we covered how to authenticate with Salesforce using the SOAP API. Now that we can securely connect to Salesforce, it’s time to fetch some data!
In this article, we’ll focus on retrieving records from Salesforce using the REST API. We’ll delve into query generation, handling fields, and dealing with Salesforce’s pagination structure. A key aspect we’ll explore is how to manage field selections in SOQL queries, especially considering the limitations around unbounded queries and the use of FIELDS(ALL). By the end of this article, you’ll be able to extract data efficiently and prepare it for further processing or storage.
As before, all the code discussed here is available in the GitHub repository for this series. Each part of the series has its own branch, with each successive branch building upon the previous one.
You can find the repository here:
The Salesforce REST API provides a powerful, convenient, and simple Web services interface for interacting with Salesforce. It allows you to perform various operations such as querying data, updating records, and accessing metadata.
One of the key features we’ll utilize is the ability to execute SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) queries via the REST API. SOQL is similar to SQL but is designed specifically for Salesforce data structures.
Let’s dive into the salesforce_rest_api.py module, which handles querying Salesforce data using the REST API.
import requests
import os
from salesforce_authentication import get_session_id
from helper_functions import get_credentials, get_nested_values
def get_records_list(object_name, fields=None, limit=None):
Retrieves a list of records based on the specified object name, fields, and limit.:param object_name: The name of the object to query.
:param fields: A list of fields to include in the results. If None, all fields are retrieved.
:param limit: The maximum number of records to retrieve. If None, no limit is applied.
:return: A list of dictionaries representing the filtered records.
if not fields and not limit:
fields = get_field_names(object_name)
query = get_query(object_name, fields, limit)
raw_results = get_rest_query_results(query)
return [
{k: v for k, v in record.items() if k != "attributes"}
for record in raw_results
This is the primary function you’ll use to retrieve records:
Before we delve into the helper functions, it’s important to understand how the fields parameter is handled and why.
In SOQL, you might be tempted to use SELECT FIELDS(ALL) FROM ObjectName to retrieve all fields, similar to SELECT * in SQL. However, Salesforce imposes limitations on the use of FIELDS(ALL):
Therefore, if you want to fetch all fields without specifying a limit, you cannot use FIELDS(ALL). Instead, you must explicitly list all field names in the SELECT clause.
To handle this, our get_records_list function checks if both fields and limit are None. If so, it proceeds to fetch all field names for the specified object using the get_field_names function. This list of field names is then used to construct the SOQL query.
By explicitly listing all field names, we comply with Salesforce’s requirements and avoid the limitations associated with FIELDS(ALL) in unbounded queries.
Let’s explore the helper functions used within get_records_list.
def get_rest_query_results(query, next_url=None):
Executes a REST API GET request to Salesforce with the given query.
Handles pagination recursively by checking for 'nextRecordsUrl' in the response.:param query: The SOQL query string to execute.
:param next_url: The nextRecordsUrl for pagination (used internally during recursion).
:return: A list of all records retrieved from Salesforce.
:raises Exception: If the REST query fails with a non-200 status code.
if next_url is None:
url = f"{os.environ['SALESFORCE_URL']}/services/data/v60.0/{query}"
url = f"{os.environ['SALESFORCE_URL']}{next_url}"
response = requests.get(
"Authorization": f"Bearer {fetch_session_id()}",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
if response.status_code != 200:
raise Exception(f"REST query failed with a status of {response.status_code}: {response.text}")
data = response.json()
records = data.get("records", [])
# Recursively fetch more records if 'nextRecordsUrl' is present
if "nextRecordsUrl" in data:
next_records = get_rest_query_results(
query, next_url=data['nextRecordsUrl'])
return records
def get_field_names(object_name):
Retrieves all field names for the specified Salesforce object.:param object_name: The name of the Salesforce object to describe.
:return: A list of field names for the object.
:raises Exception: If the field name query fails with a non-200 status code.
response = requests.get(
"Authorization": f"Bearer {fetch_session_id()}"
if response.status_code != 200:
raise Exception(f"Field name query failed with a status of {response.status_code}: {response.text}")
return get_nested_values("name", response.json()["fields"])
Why This Is Important:
def fetch_session_id():
Fetches the current Salesforce session ID using stored credentials.:return: The Salesforce session ID as a string.
credentials = get_credentials("salesforce")
return get_session_id(
The helper_functions.py module provides utility functions used by the main module.
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv# Load variables from .env file
def get_credentials(integration):
return {
f"{integration}_password": os.environ[f"{integration.upper()}_PASSWORD"],
f"{integration}_username": os.environ[f"{integration.upper()}_USERNAME"],
f"{integration}_security_token": os.environ[f"{integration.upper()}_SECURITY_TOKEN"]
def get_nested_values(key, data):
values = [item[key] for item in data]
return values
Let’s see how to use the get_records_list function to retrieve data from Salesforce.
import salesforce_rest_api as sf_api
# Retrieve all accounts with all fields
accounts = sf_api.get_records_list("Account")
import salesforce_rest_api as sf_api
fields = ["FirstName", "LastName", "Email"]
contacts = sf_api.get_records_list("Contact", fields=fields, limit=100)
import salesforce_rest_api as sf_api
# This will raise an exception
accounts = sf_api.get_records_list("Account", fields=None, limit=None)
Salesforce may limit the number of records returned in a single response. If the result set is large, Salesforce provides a nextRecordsUrl in the response, which you can use to fetch the next batch of records.
Our get_rest_query_results function handles this by recursively checking for nextRecordsUrl and fetching additional records until all records are retrieved.
In this article, we’ve built upon our authentication foundation to retrieve data from Salesforce using the REST API. We’ve covered:
With these tools, you can now extract data from Salesforce efficiently and prepare it for storage, analysis, or further processing.
In the next article, we’ll delve into the Salesforce BULK API. We’ll explore how to handle large volumes of data extraction efficiently. The BULK API presents its own challenges, particularly around its asynchronous query system, where you have to wait and check on the query status before fetching results.
Stay tuned as we continue to build our stateless, distributed extraction pipeline, enhancing it to handle larger datasets and more complex scenarios. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to leave a comment below.
I am open to consulting engagements if you need help building this or any other data solution. Feel free to email me directly at jason@hyperfocusdata.io